Monday, December 31, 2007


Dark Vader being an asshole (5/5 Stars)

You like chipmunks ? You gotta watch tis (4/5 Stars)

It links back to the Chipmunk (5/5 Stars)

When you combine all episodes of POWER RANGERS! (3/5 Stars)

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wow! I found them

Hey guys, found the magic gathering cd yuan gave me. Lol, apologise for the bad presentation, those videos were made when we just started developing our interest in magic. Enjoy guys!

My days during O lvl examination.

Oh well, I looks like I'm absolutely over-confidence in the O level examination; I'm actually playing cards illusion to pass my days. Its awesome! Just realised, when I played cards all the theories and stuff I needed to prepare starts flowing through my mind. What A Brain I have, definitely proud of it.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Its interesting, I had tried umpteen different kinds of opening for my blog as every sentences seem awkward. For example, "The O lvl is gonna start soon ..." and "What a borring day of my life ...". Well, perhaps those were too monotonus or incredibly borring.